Hatherton and Walgherton Parish Council
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What's going on

Sadly, Hatherton and Walgherton parishes do not have a social gathering point or public space so our opportunities for shared activity are currently limited.  However, we are open for suggestions of how the community can get together.

In the meantime, your Parish Council has set up a working party to look at opportunities for improvement to the parish.  Various ideas are being considered such as seeding verges with wild flowers, installing bench seats, improving footpaths, etc.  If you have any suggestions, please send an email to the Clerk or contact one of the councillors directly. 

Improvements include road improvements although these are kept under regular scrutiny by the Parish Council and details of issues handled can be seen on the H&W roads website.

Development of properties is a continuing matter for the Council and there is more about planning in this website.  Some issues connected with planning are also included in the Neighbourhood Plan for which there is a separate page.

Picture: View of sunset across the Weaver