Data protection
Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2016/679
The DPA and the GDPR (came into force 25th May 2018) protect individuals' privacy by regulating how personal information, known in the law as 'personal data', is collected and used. The law applies to information stored electronically or in manual systems that can be linked to an identifiable individual.
The Parish Council has prepared a policy on how it will comply with the new law as well as ensuring it continues to comply with the principles of the DPA.
'Personal data' is any information that relates to a living individual who can be identified:
- from that information or,
- from that and other information in our possession or likely to come into our possession.
Personal data can include:
- email addresses or telephone numbers, collected when people join the Council
- information about people that we record during Parish Council meetings
- name, address, email addresses and telephone numbers of residents
The law requires that personal information is:
- collected and used fairly i.e. we make it clear to people how we intend to use their information and whether it will be given to anyone else inside or outside the Parish Council
- appropriate to the uses which have been agreed
- accurate
- stored for the minimum time relevant to the use for which it is collected
- stored securely
- disposed of securely once the use for which it has been collected has come to an end
- protected by a contract, if it is being given to a third party to ensure the information is only used for the purpose the Parish Council has agreed. A contract is also needed if personal information is being sent to a third party located outside the EU. People have certain rights under the act in relation to information stored about them.
Any formal requests for information or notices to stop processing under the act must be dealt with by the Parish Council . Pass any such requests immediately to the Parish Clerk. Contact can be made by email to the Parish Clerk.
Removal of data or images
Any request to have email addresses or other information deleted or photographs removed from the website at any time should be referred to the Webmaster who can readily remove the information. Alternatively, contact the Parish Clerk.
Data protection policy, privacy statement and consent form
The Parish Council's policy, privacy statement and consent form can be obtained by request from the Parish Clerk.
The Parish Council's policy and privacy statement can be downloaded below.
Use of Cookies
This website does not put any cookies on your PC, tablet or mobile phone. However, please note that during your visits to our website you may notice some cookies which are unrelated to us. When you visit a page with content embedded from, for example, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Flickr, you may be presented with cookies from these websites. We do not control the dissemination of these cookies. You should check the third party websites for more information about these.